Over past the weekend we welcomed more than 1700 students, parents, and grandparents to our student center for our annual Grandparents Mass and festive brunch. This event truly embodies three of our core values: faith, family, and community. 2023 Grandparents …
The annual Halloween Costume Contest was on full display in our hallways and classrooms. This year students, faculty and staff creatively came up with costumes covering everything from "senior" citizens, to a pedestrian sign! The winner of this years contest …
On Friday, October 20 the Saint Anthony's Leadership Team held their annual Freshmen Carnival. The Freshmen had the opportunity to meet representatives from clubs throughout the school, play games, and even participate in a dodgeball tournament! 2023 SALT Freshman Carnival …
On Friday, October 13 the Fall Pep Rally was held in our Gymnasium. Friar Pride was on full display as we celebrated our Fall Varsity Sports in preparation for our homecoming celebration. Fall Pep Rally 2023 ‹ › × × …