More than anything else, what separates Saint Anthony’s from other high schools is the very real Franciscan spirit that permeates this community. While we are here to develop our minds, we are reminded daily that a mind and body, without a spiritual dimension, is shallow and without character. Therefore, the school offers many activities in which the students can explore and deepen their spiritual lives.
Prayer and Mass: We begin each school year with the Liturgy. During the year we will again celebrate the Liturgy at Thanksgiving, Junior Ring Day, and of course, the Senior Baccalaureate Mass. Mass is also available in the Chapel every day.
The celebration of Mass takes place after school on Thursday and before school each other day of the week. The Chapel remains open throughout the day for those students who need some private prayer. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is regularly scheduled. Also, each morning the entire campus pauses for a few minutes of prayer together.
Clubs for Spirituality: Several clubs in our school offer students the opportunity to enhance their individual spirituality. TAU helps feed the hungry, while providing tutoring and baby-sitting for those in need. Campus Ministry and Kolbe provide retreat opportunities while Legion of Mary helps maintain the Chapel in addition to helping students develop a meaningful relationship with Our Mother Mary through recitation of the Rosary. All the money raised through our Dress Down Days goes to support charities.
The true spirituality of the school is not found in these activities alone. Rather it expresses it self in the extraordinary relationships of the Brothers, Sisters, Faculty, Staff and Students as they respond to the needs of each other.
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